Project Summary

NEAR Protocol is a decentralized application (dApp) platform and Ethereum competitor that focuses on developer and user-friendliness. Its native NEAR tokens are used to pay for transaction fees and storage on the Near crypto platform. NEAR is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain that uses sharding technology to achieve scalability.


Round Opens Closes
Sale Begins 1.12.2023 02:00:00 UTC 1.02.2024 16:00:00 UTC


Near Protocol is a layer 1 blockchain network. It provides a platform on which developers can build decentralized applications (dapps). The most successful layer 1 blockchain is Ethereum, so protocols like Near are seen as challengers.

The key yardsticks for layer 1 networks are transaction costs, speed and the ability to maintain those features as transaction volumes grow. These factors are the focus for layer 1s like Near to improve upon Ethereum, which has encountered issues with costs and speed over the last few years.

Near Protocol is faster and cheaper than Ethereum. More importantly, it promises to be faster than some of the other largest challengers. When fully implemented, Near is expected to be able to process up to around 100,000 transactions per second (TPS). Ethereum’s largest rival, Solana, averages less than 3,000 transactions per second, according to its own blockchain explorer. Ethereum averages double-digit transactions per second. Bitcoin does less than 10.

Outside the crypto sphere, an important comparison is Visa’s (V) capacity. The global payments giant processes around 7,000-8,000 TPS, based on its claim of 232.5 billion transactions over a 12-month period. Near Protocol could eclipse that, though it has not yet realized its theoretical potential as of July 2022.

“Near has built technology to enable transactions that are fast (~1 second), quick to finality (~1-2 seconds), cheap (less than a penny), and secure,” crypto research firm Messari noted in March 2022.


Private Sales
Play-to-Earn Rewards
Ecosystem Reserve


Small Selection Of Core Team Members (60+)

Illia Polosukhin
Alexander Skidanov
Gautham Ravi
Senior Product Manager
Corey Pigott
Strategy Funding Manager
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